Attitude of Gratitude!

Thanksgiving every day

It’s November! We start to plan holidays and Thanksgiving is my favorite one! I frequently get together with most of my family and it’s just a couple days of food and fun and the usual chaos of having 20 people in the same place! I’m always so happy and grateful in those moments

I want that feeling every day. Is that even possible?


Look for the Good

So many of us live in the negative. Our brains are wired to keep us safe and so it will focus on solving problems even in situations where there is no solution. Have you ever laid awake ruminating over an argument or something that you regret or just something stressful? We all have. You can have a good day, but your brain will focus on the one thing that went wrong.

Beginning a gratitude practice should start simply. Give yourself the assignment of looking for three things you are happy about or grateful for every day. They can be anything – a sunset, a meeting that went well, the pride of finishing a project. Good things do happen every day, and we need to train our brains to focus on them! So, it’s important to notice the positive. Write them down in your planner or start a gratitude journal. It will start to change the thinking patterns you’ve fallen into.

Be Grateful for the hard

Once you start noticing the obviously good things in your life, you are actually changing the way your brain works! Seriously!

You can now focus on the things in life that are hard – or seem hard. Difficult relationships, chores that pile up, a stressful work situation, illness. These things are all hard to deal with, but these are the times we generally learn the most or experience growth. Be grateful that the hard things result in good things. Recognize the good that came from the hard.

Look back in your past and think about challenges you’ve faced, remember how hard they were at the time, and consider how you came through them. You’re here and you survived and grew! Give yourself the credit.

Remember to share

Say “thank you” for these blessings. Make a habit of saying short prayer of thanks when you notice something good or beautiful. A word of gratitude to someone who has helped you or has just been a good friend or partner makes you both feel good! Don’t wait for a special moment, just say “thank you” right away.

THANK YOU for being here!

For More check out this short podcast episode:


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