Step 12 – Your Awakening, but not your graduation!

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The Twelfth step is not a destination or a graduation – it is hope. It doesn’t say “if or when” you have a spiritual awakening, it tells you that working these steps will bring you to experience a spiritual awakening. And this is different for everyone! There are other things that can bring about conversion and reconciliation in your life. You will recognize it!

The rest of this step is not a command or a requirement – but carrying the message and practicing the principles is something you will want to do after having experienced this awakening. When you learn something new or have an experience that changes your life, you naturally want to share it! The fellowships give you opportunity to do that. Sharing at meetings, greeting newcomers, sharing with close friends and family, being open to others asking for help – these are all ways we share the message.

Practicing the principles will also come naturally as you continue to work and serve. What are these principles? Personal responsibility, faith and connection with your higher power, service to others in need – the list goes on!

As humans, we want to continue growing in faith and love and connection. It’s how God created us. That’s what Step 12 is about.

God Bless

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